Revival Tabernacle Fremont

Fremont's Family Friendly Church

Sunday School 9:45am
Sunday: 11am and 6pm
Wednesday Bible Study @ 7:30pm
205 I Street Fremont, California 94536

What's New

Upcoming events. We’d love to have you!
Pastor Gillespie & Family


Thank you for visiting our website. Here you will find a description of the ministries we offer, as well as several articles to read, and even an interactive Bible Study on the plan of Salvation, offered in English or Spanish. If you have any questions, please contact us! You are welcome to visit and worship with us any time. When you visit, you will receive a warm welcome.

We'd love for you to join us


Sunday School 9:45am
11am and 6pm


Worship/Bible Study: 7:30pm

Upcoming Events